About Us

SPS Vision Statement

49% of workforce is not thriving or engaged at work (Gallup, 2022)
21% of employees are engaged at work (Gallup, 2022)

44% of employees experience stress during the previous workday.

In academia,

many scholars often ignore and sometimes disparage knowledge developed by practitioners through their professional experiences. Simultaneously, practitioners engulfed in their day to day routines are often cut off from empirical research and fail to see the value of well researched theory. This phenomenon has been referred to as the theory-practice divide, and has plagued researchers for years. At SPS, we are dedicated to shrinking this gap for organizational members through the pillars of Leadership, Learning, Culture and Change.

We are passionate about helping adult learners try to change the world.

Scholar-Practitioner Solutions

We do that by working with them in their organizations as we explore organizational life through the lenses of leadership, learning, culture and change.
That’s why we created SPS (Scholar-Practitioner Solutions). A company that will provide professional development solutions to universities, K-12 school districts, federal agencies, non-profit organizations, public and privately held companies.


we pride ourselves on working with organizations to help them develop all of their members to their fullest potential. Ranging from small group training sessions for leadership development, organizational communication, and team building to full range organizational identity and culture assessments, SPS can provide customized solutions for organizations world-wide.
For our organizational identity and culture assessments, we use both qualitative and quantitative methodologies based on the specific goals of the project. For projects requiring a qualitative methodology, scientific rigor is achieved through data triangulation of multiple research methods (i.e. structured and semi-structured interviews, document reviews, artifact reviews and analysis) to ensure trustworthiness.

we make it right


Our team

Our SP Solutions team has experts from various types of corporate and non-profit organizations. The talent from our team spans 100-years of organizational experience.


Dr. Tim Stover

- Vice President Organizational Learning and Development

Dr. Stover earned his doctorate in Human and Organizational Learning from The George Washington University. His primary research interests and publications include organizational identity and culture.

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Workforce is not thriving or engaged at work (Gallup,2022)0%
Employees are engaged at work (Gallup,2022)0%
Employees experience stress during the previous workday0%